Motel Americana: puzzler answers

Here are the answers to yesterday’s photo puzzler “anachronisms.”
First the assumption: The postmark stamp was essential, because it established the year as 1967. Therefore, the following elements cannot be chronologically accurate:

1. The Minivan (and other model vehicles in the background)
American minivans weren’t introduced in 1984 with the Dodge Caravan.

2. AAA logo with swoosh
American Automobile Association (AAA) has been around since 1902, but the addition of the red swoosh to AAA’s logo wasn’t designed until 1997. Source:

3. Coca-Cola “wave” logo
Many of you guessed that vending machine was out of place. The model is too contemporary for the late 60s. I was actually focused on the Coca-Cola logo. This iconic brand’s logo hasn’t changed much in the 124 years since its creation, but the “wave” graphic wasn’t added until 1969—two years after our fictitious postcard date. Source:

4. Postmark cancel date: 29 Feb 1967
This element proved to be the trickiest. Remember the saying: “Thirty days hath September [blah, blah]…28 days makes February fine, but in a Leap Year it has 29”? The year 1967 wasn’t a leap year, so our fictitious postmark cancel is incorrect. Source:

If you want to take a look at what the Park Row Lodge really looked like in the 60s, here’s an authentic vintage postcard. Oh…and our winner of this photo puzzler: Mr. Chris Kenison. Have a look at his wonderful photo blog: Many thanks to all who played my first photo puzzler! Stay tuned for more contests.

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  1. Chris Kenison
    February 2, 2011

    Thanks again, Chris! It was a great shot and a fun contest!
    Chris Kenison recently posted..Marysville &amp PortraitsMy Profile

  2. Toad Hollow Photography
    February 2, 2011

    I was onto 2 of those things but honestly never would have gotten the AAA logo for all the tea in China…. congratulations to Chris on unraveling the mystery, and many thanks for putting together such a thought provoking and fun blog entry for the day! Great work.
    Toad Hollow Photography recently posted..Victoria ArchitectureMy Profile

  3. Chris Wray
    February 2, 2011

    Thanks for playing Chris and Toad. Glad you enjoyed the puzzle.

  4. Paul
    February 3, 2011

    Haha I love the attention to detail you put into this. I always get tempted to add sharks and UFOs to photo manipulations, so nobody is going to be tricked by one on mine (unless they want to be)
    Paul recently posted..Formula 1 Theme Park – Formula RossaMy Profile

  5. Bob Lussier
    February 4, 2011

    What an awesome concept! Great shot too.

  6. Chris Wray
    February 4, 2011

    Many thanks everyone for your thoughtful comments and to those who played the photo puzzler! I look forward to doing another one soon.


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